A In January, I had the privilege of working with an Austin TX builder and a home owner. We installed Cable-Tite in a ranch house. It was a magnificent home site, and a well-designed house.
Here are some photos of the house in May, and it's coming along quite nicely.
The first photo shows columns on the back of the house with lights installed in them. There are two Cable-Tite hurricane tie-down systems in each column. I installed them after the columns were framed. The beauty of Cable-Tite is that everything is hidden inside the walls. No one sees the uplift protection Cable-Tite offers, but the home owner feels safe knowing they are there.
The second photo shows small columns on the front porch. There is a 4x4 post holding the roof, and Cable-Tite in installed beside it to an anchor bolt. The post hold the roof up, and the cable holds the roof down. The tension of approximately 600 lbs. holds the cable, so the system is in constant compression, on a sunny day like this day, or in high-winds and stormy weather.
In addition to Cable-Tite throughout the perimeter walls for the house, there are metal hurricane clips securing every rafter to the top plate.
Thanks to the home owner, the builder, the engineer, and the architect for using Cable-Tite to exceed the construction codes for hurricane tie-down systems.